Animal Crossing Gamecube Lucky Gold Cat Code

Strategy Guide

Home GameCube cheats A Animal Crossing. Animal Crossing cheats. Resetti: Reset the Gamecube during game play. Start the game again and Mr. Resetti will appear to complain. Repeat this to make him more angry. If you reset the game enough, Mr. Resetti's older brother, Don, will take his place. Free Bells: Talk to Tom Nook, and give him the code 'WB2&pARAcnOwnU (new line) jMCK%hTk8JHyrT'. You can only do this three times a day, but you should receive 30,000 bells each time!

Note: This game is also titled Doubutsu No Mori Plus.

Duplicate money and items

This trick requires two Game Boy Advances and a link cable. Connect Game Boy Advance #1 to the Gamecube using your link cable and turn it on. Go to your island (located on the dock at the edge of the ocean). When you finally get to the island, drop off the item or money that you wish to duplicate. Leave the island. When Kapp'n asks if you want to save your island to your Game Boy Advance, select 'Yes'. After it is done downloading to your Game Boy Advance, you can put it in sleep mode, disconnect it, and set it aside. When you get back to your town, attach Game Boy Advance #2 and turn it on. Leave that screen then immediately return to it. Talk to Kapp'n to go back to your island. After you start leaving you can turn Game Boy Advance #2 off. When you get to your island, pick up the item that you left there then leave the island again. This time when Kapp'n asks you to save your island to your Game Boy Advance, answer 'No'. When you get back to your town, disconnect Game Boy Advance #2 and connect Game Boy Advance #1 (make sure it is not in sleep mode). Leave the screen and return. Talk to Kapp'n once more. Your island should upload from your Game Boy Advance. When you get to your island, your item will be there again and you will already have it in your pockets. Pick up your item from the ground. You now have two of them. This will also work with multiple items.

Mr. Resetti

Reset the Gamecube during the game. Start the game again and Mr. Resetti will appear to complain. Repeat this to make him more angry.

Getting NES games

Talk to the townspeople until they ask you when your birthday is. Most of them will say something similar to 'How would you like a train set for your birthday?' Answer 'Yes' and you will put in your birthday. On your birthday, one of the townsfolk will be outside your house. He or she will present you with a NES. For example, Virgos will get Donkey Kong.

Animal crossing gamecube item codesGrowing a money tree

First, find a glowing piece of earth. Dig it up and you get a money bag. Plant the money bag in the glowing hole and a seedling will sprout, which will grow in to a money tree.

Golden Axe

Get your town rating to be 'Perfect' for two entire weeks. The Golden Axe is indestructible.

Golden Butterfly Net

Catch all 40 types of bugs.

Golden Fishing Pole

Catch all 40 types of fish. Note: There may be more or less.

Golden Shovel

Animal Crossing Gamecube Fruit Codes

First, buy two shovels. Find a piece of glowing earth and dig it up. Then, plant a shovel in the glowing earth.

Hear every song

Make sure you cannot carry anymore items when Totakeke gets to town on Saturday nights. Talk to him and he will play a song. Afterwards, he will notice that you do not have room for the Aircheck. He will tell you to return later. Talk to him again, and he will play a different song. Repeat this until you have heard a song that you like, then drop an item. Talk to him again and request the song you enjoyed.

Get more than one song per Saturday

This trick requires at least two memory cards. Have two towns saved, one on each card. At 8:00 p.m. on Saturday, get a song from Totakeke, then go to the other town and get one there. If desired, repeatedly delete the second town, make a new one on the second card, and get a new song each time.

Upgrade to a larger house

Pay off all your debt to Nook then talk to him. He will thank you for paying it off then ask if you want a bigger house. Answer 'Yes' and he will tell you to wait one day. Your house will then be bigger.

Talking to people

When you are talking to residents, talk the same person repeatedly. Talking to them too much will upset them. However, in a few minutes they will get over it. By doing this, they will reveal more of the workings of Animal Crossing to you. You also stand a much greater chance of playing a game, getting free items, or trading things with them.

Angry peopleAnimal crossing gamecube codes

Another way to anger the residents of the town is to push them around by walking into them, or hitting them with your bug net repeatedly.

Easy items

One of the best ways to get new items that you cannot buy is to do work for the residents, and do it often. Do their little chores and they will (more often than not) reward you with things that are hard to come by in Nook's store.

Talk to people whenever you are near them. Sometimes they will ask you if you want to take a table or some clothes or other things off their hands. Also, do errands for people often. If there are no errands available you will only have to wait ten minutes.

Skip time

When the Gamecube logo appears, hold A + B to get to the memory card screen. You can change the system clock to whatever time you wish. Begin the game and you should start at that day.

The game allows you to change the setting before you load it when beginning. When it asks 'Are you ready?', the options are 'Yes' and 'Before I go'. Select 'Before I go' and it will allow you to change the game's time without changing with the system clock (which also effects other Gamecube games that rely on it) Also, if you have bought turnips to sell them in the Stalk Market and change the system clock or the game time, they may go bad. It depends on the amount of time -- the game remembers.

Note: Play a little every day. While you can reset the game's clock and go to Nook's store, this gets old. Also, resetting the clock disrupts timed events that you do not know about. The game is filled with events that depend on month, day, and hour. It is better to just play the game as it unfolds. You will get more furniture, carpet, etc. this way. When you change the time, it disrupts the chain of events permanently and you may end up actually getting less new things then you would if you just played the game as it was supposed to be played.


If you are not catching the fish you want to catch, move to another section of the map and fish there. Some fish are only found in certain areas.

When fishing, do not actually reel in the fish (press A) until you see the bobber go under the water.

Animal Crossing Gamecube Lucky Gold Cat Code

Fish at the ocean in the rain. You have a much greater chance of catching the Coelacanth. They sell for 15,000 a fish. Also, you have a greater chance of catching the Barred Knifejaw and Red Snapper. They sell for 5,000 and 3,000 respectively. Generally, fishing in the rain is much easier, but in the ocean, for easy money. Also, its easier to fish at night.

Easy money

When bees appear from trees, take out your butterfly net and face the beehive. If you can catch a bee, you can sell it for $4500.

Place orange furniture to the north, green furniture to the south, yellow furniture to the west, and red furniture to the east part of your house.

Note: This trick requires a Game Boy Advance and a link cable. Play the game with the Game Boy Advance attached. Collect as much fruit as possible and travel all the way to the south. Go the pier at the beach. A Kappa will be there and will to bring you to a new island to the south. Get to the new island and drop all of your fruit. Return to the Kappa and leave. Transfer the island to the Game Boy Advance. On the Game Boy Advance, knock on the door to the house of the island animal. After it appears, move a piece of fruit in front of the animal. It will eat it and become happy. Keep repeating this until the animal drops money bags. Feed all your fruit to the animal, then put your Game Boy Advance on standby. Resume the game on the Gamecube. Go back to town, then return and talk to the Kappa again. Your game will now be updated with the Game Boy Advance data. Travel back to the island and collect the money bags.

Go around town with your shovel and hit every rock you can find. One of them should turn red when you hit it. Keep hitting it to get more money.

Every New Year your parents give you 10,000 bells. Change the system date on the Gamecube; or in the Animal Crossing options and change the date to the new year. Check the mail box and you will have 10,000 bells from your parents. Repeat the process, but change the year.

Dig for fossils every time you play. When the museum fills up with fossils, you can make a mint at Nook's or trade with residents for good items with fossils. Skulls of dinosaurs seem to be worth the most, usually bringing in 4,000 to 6,000.

Play the Stalk Market. Turnips do not seem like that much of a commodity, but its gold in the game. You can make a fortune buying Turnips and selling them at the right price.

The player tripping is a visible indicator of bad luck.

In the Animal Crossing series, luck is a game mechanic which can influence the player's interactions in the town they are in. The available types of luck differ per game. The player's fortune can be obtained from Katrina at her Fortune Shop.

  • 4In Animal Crossing: New Leaf

In Animal Crossing[edit]

The player's luck can be obtained from Katrina, who will set up her Fortune Shop at a random date. She will also be available on New Year's Day. The following fortunes are possible:

  • Neutral - Nothing unusual will happen.
  • Love - Villagers of the opposite gender of the player will follow them around frequently.
  • Unpopular - Villagers may act coldly towards the player and refuse to talk.
  • Lucky Finances - Trees will drop 1,000 Bells rather than 100, and the money rock and glowing spot will give much more money.
  • Lucky Materials - Trees and villagers will drop/give rarer items more often.
  • Unlucky - The player will trip and fall regularly.

If the player doesn't talk to Katrina the player's luck for that day will be neutral.

In Animal Crossing: Wild World[edit]

Katrina will set up her Fortune Shop in front of the Town Hall at a random day of the week. The following fortunes are possible:

  • Neutral - Nothing unusual will happen.
  • Good luck - Villagers may give gifts when talked to, rather than giving the player the usual 'Talk to me!' or 'Never mind' options.
  • Bad luck - The player will trip and fall when running. If the player took out accident insurance with Lyle, he will mail the player 100 Bells.

If the player doesn't talk to Katrina, the player's luck for that day will be neutral. If the player's luck turns out to be bad, Katrina will offer them a way to 'cleanse' their spirit for 10000 Bells.

In Animal Crossing: City Folk[edit]

The player can ask Katrina for their luck in the Fortune Shop at the city only once a week. Only then will she grant the player a fortune which lasts for the entire day. The following fortunes are possible:

  • Nothing will happen.
  • The player can find 300 Bell coins in trees, rather than 100 Bell coins.
  • Opposite gender villagers will ping the player more often, and want to talk to the player (however, this does not result in meaningful conversations, such as trades).
  • Same gender villagers will ping the player more often, and want to talk to the player.
  • The player will occasionally trip and fall while running.
  • Villagers will refuse to talk to the player.

If the player doesn't talk to Katrina, the player's luck for that day will be neutral.

In Animal Crossing: New Leaf[edit]

The luck system has been overhauled, such that the luck system will affect the player every day, regardless of talking to Katrina or using the Lovely Phone. For each day until 12 AM, the Daily Luck program will be set to one of the five possible programs, and one of three levels (Good Luck, Middle Luck, or Bad Luck) will be active.

  • Money Luck: determines the amount of Bells that fall from trees and received from villagers during trades
    • Good luck:
      • trees drop 200 Bells instead of 100
      • the Money Rock's output increases to 200, 300, 500, 1000, 2000, 4000, 8000, and 16000 Bells
      • villagers buy items from the player for more Bells
    • Bad luck:
      • Money Rock's output decreases to 100, 100, 200, 300, 500, 1000, 2000, and 4000 Bells
      • villagers buy items from the player for less Bells
  • Friendship Luck: determines amiability of villagers with the same gender as of the player
    • Good luck:
      • same-gendered villagers become easier to befriend and special conversations with them are more likely
    • Bad luck:
      • same-gendered villagers become more difficult to befriend
  • Love Luck: determines amiability of villagers with the opposite gender as of the player
    • Good luck:
      • opposite gendered villagers become easier to befriend and special conversations with them are more likely
    • Bad luck:
      • opposite gendered villagers become more difficult to befriend
  • Item Luck: determines how likely items will appear
    • Good luck:
      • seashells respawn more frequently
      • receiving Saharah-exclusive wallpaper and flooring is more likely when she is in town
      • random events lean towards the player's favor (e.g., getting prize tickets for Bunny Day and Fireworks Show)
      • villagers more likely to sell items
      • Leif more likely to give rarer items
    • Bad luck:
      • seashells respawn less frequently
      • receiving Saharah-exclusive items less likely when she is in town
      • random events hinder the player (e.g., getting candy for Bunny Day)
      • villagers less likely to sell items
      • sitting in a chair results in flatulence
  • Health Luck: determines the outcome of unfortunate events
    • Good luck:
      • bees move slower, giving more time for the player to act
      • mosquitoes and jellyfish are less likely to sting the player
    • Bad luck:
      • the player may trip and fall, causing them to lose certain handheld items
      • mosquitoes and jellyfish are more likely to sting the player

For the day, the level active will either be the Middle Level, where the luck program doesn't affect the player, or the Bad Level, where the effect is negative. The player may talk to Katrina or use the Lovely Phone to determine their Lucky Item for the day, which will be a description (e.g., 'women's bottoms') that the player must wear so that their luck level may be set to Good Luck. In addition, if the player's luck level is Bad, and once the Fortune Shop has been set in Main Street, Katrina may offer to sell the player one of two lucky hats.

It is speculated that the player's luck depends on the day they are playing, their star sign and gender, such that two players in different save files that have the same parameters will have the same luck.

Lovely Phone poems[edit]

The player consulting the Lovely Phone for their fortune.

Unlike Katrina, the Lovely Phone does not directly say what type and level of luck they have, and instead tells the player a message which they should interpret. The following is a list of those messages:

  1. Disaster on relationships program: Your natural passion causes you to show your claws! Avoid trouble when you can, and stay relaxed!
  2. Good friendships program: Don't hold it all in! Sharing your concerns with friends may bring you closer together!
  3. Good love program: By opening up your strike zone by one inch, you open yourself up to many new opportunities for love.
  4. Disaster on health program: Your health luck is on a downturn. Be careful not to put too much soap in your bubble bath today!
  5. Good wealth program: Your luck in spending money has improved! Earning points with friends and neighbors will help!
  6. Good items program: You may finally find that thing you've been looking for! If it's not in the fridge, check the freezer!
  7. Good health program: How about taking the stairs from time to time? The key is to take life one step at a time.
  8. Good friendships program: If you need to apologize, now may be a good time! Don't be stubborn! Openness will be your ally today!
  9. Disasters and broken hearts program: Take a moment when you get upset. Speaking in anger will only yield undesirable results by day's end.
  10. Good love program: Your physical appeal is on the rise! Someone who loves your cute face may soon enter the picture!
  11. Good wealth program: It's a great day to start saving! If you're saving in your dresser, the second drawer is your best choice!
  12. Good items program: You may finally get that thing you've been waiting for! The secret to happiness is staying positive!
  13. Good health program: You might have so much energy that you burst into dance! Be sure to let this side of you flourish more often!
  14. Disaster on wallet program: You might spill some change by forgetting to close your wallet. Be sure to keep an eye on it!
  15. Good friendship program: If you want someone to love you, be honest about who you are. Show them your true self today!
  16. Good health program: If you find a hill, why don't you climb it? Increase your luck as you increase your altitude!
  17. Good wealth program: Biting into a kiwi while facing west by southwest may improve your financial luck today!
  18. Disaster on health program: Sometimes everybody needs time to rest. Treat yourself to a day without worry or stress to recover.
  19. Good love program: A fateful encounter may just await you on your path today. Don't look down at your phone - look ahead!
  20. Good love program: The mall holds many opportunities for romantic meetings. Don't avoid it just because of the crowds!
  21. Good friendship program: Listen to the advice of your elders! There's a reason for their longevity and it's not just because of luck!
  22. Good items program: If you really want something, get up the courage and grab it! The spoils always go to the victor!
  23. Good health program: Your health luck is now on the rise! Participate in this weekend's (one of 45 sport options) tournament! Note: the sport option will change each time you call, even within the same day. Sport options include: curling, wrestling, canoeing, snowboarding, baseball, badminton, snooker, football, ice skating, roller skating, jujitsu, golf, power lifting, softball, rugby, bocce, body building, surfing, step aerobics, arm wrestling, cricket, table tennis, muay Thai, racquetball, hockey, wrestling, skiing, swimming, soccer, volleyball, kung fu, tap dancing, water skiing, dodgeball, rock climbing, bowling, basketball, hot yoga, hula dancing, skateboarding, capoeira, boxing, tennis, archery, karate...
  24. Good wealth program: Your financial luck may be at its peak! To the left of the front door is a good place for a gold luck cat!
  25. Disaster on health program: Something simple like stomach crunches may feel like a chore. Nothing ventured, nothing gained!
  26. Disaster on wallet program: You might end up spending money frivolously because you're trying to impress someone. Don't be fooled!
  27. Good friendship: A new acquaintance may bring good things! How about stopping at that corner café you've been eyeing?
  28. Good items: Your favorite artist may announce a new single! If you're going to a live show, preparation is key!
  29. Disaster and broken hearts: Be wary of curfews when on a date. Breaking the rules can cause big problems for more than just you!
  30. Good health: Ever trained in an indoor pool? If provides high resistance but low impact on your muscles!
  31. Good friendship: Singing loud and proud may bring happiness! Who knows, it may even bring a talent scout to your door!
  32. Good health: If you want to build stamina, how about some early-morning training to K.K. (random K.K. tune)?
  33. Good love: That special someone will appear before your eyes! If you're going out, be sure to look your best!
  34. Good items: Your shopping luck is high! If you're going to a sale, remember to warm up and stretch before going in!
  35. Disaster and broken hearts: There's a storm brewing in your love life! If you sense tension, you would be wise to back off a little.
  36. Disaster and broken hearts: Beware the love letter written late at night. Always reread it once in the morning before sending it off!
  37. Good health: Sports may just be your new thing! Remember though, you have to stick with it if you plan to get anywhere!
  38. Good friendship: Overhauling your look may have positive results! Expect a popularity boost on account of your new look!
  39. Good love: You're suddenly very lucky in love! Throw it in top gear and speed down the road to great happiness!
  40. Good items: A surprise present may await you. Just act super surprised and excited to make everyone involved happy!
  41. Disaster on wallet: Your spending money is in jeopardy! If you see something in the store, hold off on purchasing until later.
  42. Disaster on relationships: You might want to transform, but that's just fleeing reality. Time to take a good, hard look at yourself!
  43. Good love: The aquarium might be a better date spot than a farm! Sushi will benefit you over corn today!
  44. Disaster on relationships: Try to avoid rushing around because you're late all the time. It's best to give yourself time to enjoy life!
  45. Disaster on items: You might be saving too much junk in your house! Clean up before your floor finally gives out!
  46. Good wealth: If Joan appeared in your dream, you should buy turnips tomorrow! Go to bed early! Don't miss out! [Given on a Saturday]
  47. Disaster on relationships: Don't poke your nose in where it doesn't belong! You might learn something you didn't want to.
  48. Good wealth: Increased income surely expected! The coins sitting in your wallet may soon summon their friends!
  49. Disasters and broken hearts: Just because you get along doesn't mean you should cling together! Everything has a time and a place!
  50. Disaster on wallet: Your financial fortune may be in a downturn...Think about saving and not so much about spending!
  51. Disaster on health: Stress may cause you to overeat. Be sure to take a long walk after a large meal instead of napping.
  52. Disasters and broken hearts: A strong rival may make themselves known! Don't forget who you are and get lost in the drama, though.
  53. Good items: Your eyes may pop when you see that in-store special! Just prepare yourself before setting foot inside!
  54. Disaster on items: You might not be able to get something the day it comes out. Don't be jealous. Be patient!
  55. Disaster on relationships: The words you speak may spread like wildfire! Words carry weight, so be careful where they're thrown!
  56. Disaster on wallet: You may be tempted to buy more than you need! Be careful to keep your impulse buying in check today!
  57. Disaster on items: Don't get down if debating whether or not to buy something costs you the item. Chalk it up to experience!
  58. Disaster on health: Your stress level is on the rise. A long walk or some singing may help you blow off steam.
  59. Disasters and broken hearts: 'Am I bored?' If you ever ask that, maybe visit that one special spot. It may bring back loving feelings!
  60. Good wealth: The money monkey is smiling down. Rather than holding back, maybe you should smile back at him!
  61. Disaster on health: Too much restraint is dangerous! You have to release it on occasion to decompress and relieve stress.
  62. Disaster on items: Don't go out of control. If you set your standards too high, you may end up with nothing at all.
  63. Disaster on items: Your luck is on a downturn. Be prepared to lose something you worked so hard to obtain!
  64. Disaster on relationships: A sweet invitation may leave you sick later. Make sure you have all the information before giving in!
  65. Disaster on wallet: The money game is full of dangers. If you're going for turnips, be sure to remind yourself of the risk!
  66. Disaster on health: You might trip over yourself today. Don't forget to carry a bandage with you just in case!
  67. Disaster on items: Look out for clearance sales! You may end up buying something you'll really regret later on!
  68. Disaster on wallet: An unexpected bill may hit you hard on Monday! Tuck extra money away in your dresser to be safe!
  69. Disaster on items: If you're going to a sale, keep your eyes on the prize. Sales have a way of getting even the best of us!
  70. Disaster on relationships: Being fake may just hold you back. You need to be true to everyone, including yourself, in order to grow.

This article or section requires further research about star sign, gender, and Feng Shui influences.
You can help by investigating this topic and editing this article to include more information. Relevant discussion may be found on the talk page.
Further Details:This revision of Katrina claims that TPC and astrological signs play a role. Also what's Feng Shui's influence on the luck program?
This article or section requires further research about star sign, gender, and Feng Shui influences.
You can help by investigating this topic and editing this article to include more information. Relevant discussion may be found on the talk page.
Further Details:This revision of Katrina claims that TPC and astrological signs play a role. Also what's Feng Shui's influence on the luck program?

See also[edit]

Gameplay Elements
PlayerPlayer • Mayor(Mayor points) • Catalog • Catch quotes • Reactions • Passport • Pockets • Photo • Tools • Town Pass Card
TownTown/Island • Hemisphere • Amenities • Animal tracks • Rebuild the town • Acres • Town fund • Town initiative • Town ordinance
LifeHouse • Happy Home Academy • Balloon • Donation • Event • Fashion Check • Fêng shui • Insurance • Letter • Luck • Mortgage • Moving • NookPhone • Savings • Visit
ActivitiesBadges • Constellation • GBA minigames• Mystery Island Tour • Part-time job • Stalk Market • Swimming • Island Tour(Tortimer Island)
Character AIVillager • Special Characters • Catchphrase • Compatibility • Conversation • Episode • Friendship • Hobbies • Memory • Nickname • Personality • Petition • Sickness • Star sign
QuestsBall • Favor • Hide-and-Seek • Lost item • Time capsule
CurrenciesBells • Leaf Tickets • Medals • MEOW Coupons • Nook Miles • Play Coins • Vouchers
VehiclesBus • Camper • RV • Seaplane • Taxi • Toy Cornimer Robot • Train • U.F.O.
ConnectivityMultiplayer • amiibo phone • Dream • DS Suitcase • Friend Code • Happy Home Network(Design Contest) • Nintendo Network • Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection • NookLink • Tag Mode • Transfer • WiiConnect24
CheatingCheating device • Glitch • Hacking • Hacked villager • Seeds • Time travel • Villager modifier
Fourth WallResetSecret codeCategory
Gameplay Elements
Player • Mayor(Mayor points) • Catalog • Catch quotes • Reactions • Passport • Pockets • Photo • Tools • Town Pass Card
Town/Island • Hemisphere • Amenities • Animal tracks • Rebuild the town • Acres • Town fund • Town initiative • Town ordinance
House • Happy Home Academy • Balloon • Donation • Event • Fashion Check • Fêng shui • Insurance • Letter • Luck • Mortgage • Moving • NookPhone • Savings • Visit
Badges • Constellation • GBA minigames• Mystery Island Tour • Part-time job • Stalk Market • Swimming • Island Tour(Tortimer Island)
Character AI
Villager • Special Characters • Catchphrase • Compatibility • Conversation • Episode • Friendship • Hobbies • Memory • Nickname • Personality • Petition • Sickness • Star sign
Ball • Favor • Hide-and-Seek • Lost item • Time capsule
Bells • Leaf Tickets • Medals • MEOW Coupons • Nook Miles • Play Coins • Vouchers
Bus • Camper • RV • Seaplane • Taxi • Toy Cornimer Robot • Train • U.F.O.
Multiplayer • amiibo phone • Dream • DS Suitcase • Friend Code • Happy Home Network(Design Contest) • Nintendo Network • Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection • NookLink • Tag Mode • Transfer • WiiConnect24
Cheating device • Glitch • Hacking • Hacked villager • Seeds • Time travel • Villager modifier
Fourth WallResetSecret codeCategory
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