Protosmasher Download Link // Protosmasher Free Download 2020-.
Jun 8th, 2018
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- Thanks for buying Protosmasher! Here is how you get started.
- 1. If you bought Protosmasher with a gift card, expect the code to come in a couple of days. Otherwise if you bought with paypal, it should come almost instantly.
- 2. Get your paycode from the email you bought with and DM the PS-BOT with ;paycode (paycode)
- 3. You should be whitelisted. It is optional, but go to #bot-commands and type in ;getbuyerrole
- 4. Log into Protosmasher's website and click Whitelist changer. Check your email for the temporary whitelist key.
- 5. Download Protosmasher and within the zip folder, open up Protosmasher App.exe and input your temporary key.
- 6. You're whitelisted and can start using Protosmasher!
- Q. I can't access the website because it gives me a 502 error! What do I do?
- A: Proto's website is unstable and often goes down so wait a while and try again later.
- Q. When I try to login it takes me back to Proto's homepage!
- A: Search up the Protosmasher forums and click Protosmasher on the top right. Log in from there. If it doesn't work, it is probably a Discord error.
- Q. I see a Protosmasher watermark on the bottom left of my ROBLOX window, how do I open Proto?
- A: Press insert on your keyboard. If it does not work try some combinations such as 0 on the numpad, Fn+Ins, Alt+Ins. If that still does not work then on your Windows Search Bar search up On-Screen Keyboard. Open it and click Insert and then rebind your key to whatever you wish.
- Q. I'm having problems such as DLL not found, DLL missing, error 0xc000007b, bad request, application denied, or error whitelisting when I open Proto/ProtoApp.exe. What do I do?
- A: Be sure to have your anti virus disabled, even firewall. Also download the following & restart your pc. Also try running protos/protoapp as an admin.
- DirectX:
- Visual C++ Redistributables:
- Microsoft .NET Framework:
- Q. My discord account was disabled/deleted! I need an email change!
- A.if you need your discord account changed or your email changed: email with valid proof that it is your whitelist and you owned that discord account or email account
Oct 9th, 2018
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- Made by CamBoyed-Support Members (Jenga added something new)
- Website Issues
- 1.”I can’t access the dashboard, I’m a old buyer.”
- FIX: Click purchase, then click Transfer whitelist, -note: make sure you register your account with your whitelist email-
- 2. “I can’t access the dashboard and I’m a new buyer”.
- FIX: You either haven’t waited for the transfer to go through or you didn’t register before you bought, contact Head of staff or above to help.
- 3.“ProtoSmasher won’t download”
- Don't use Microsoft edge -its doodoo-
- 5.'I bought Protosmasher with an email I can't access/that isn't mine, How do I get it?'
- DM head of staff or above so they can change your whitelist to your new email.
- 6.'Protosmasher website won't let me login/gives me 502 error
- FIX: If it wont let you login wait, the rate limit has been reached and needs to be reset
- 7.'I have not received a verification email when registering on the site'
- FIX: Check under spam and junk, also wait a bit as the verification emails can be slow. If it doesn't turn up, resend the verification email.
- 8.'Transfering whitelist takes forever'
- FIX: Make sure your using the correct whitelist email, wait atleast 20 minutes and refresh.
- 9.'Whenever I request a whitelist key it doesn't show up in my email.'
- ------------------
- ------------------
- 2..' MSVCP140 is missing”C++ redistrabutibles
- FIX:
- can fix most whitelisting problems with .NET :
- 4.'Whitelist key is invalid'
- FIX: Grab a new key, it could be invalid or expired.
- 5. 'Error (500) Other C++
- 6. 0x8007007B Error:
- 7. 'Auth Error'
- Fix: Use a Virtual Machine. Follow this tutorial
- Download the redistributes and whitelist. Make sure you download 64x and 84x for Visual C++
- PROTOSMASHER ingame/injecting
- 1.'ERROR “Unable to join discord, please download, don’t use the canary or PTB version”
- FIX: Download discord, don’t use it on browser canary or PTB.
- FIX:Ignore
- 4. 'Failed authentication'
- Either the whitelist is not working-which we cannot fix- or database is down
- 5.'I see a PROTOSMASHER watermark on the bottom left of my screen but no UI what's up?'
- FIX: Press INSERT or INS on your numpad, its usually near the 0. If you have none, open onscreen keyboard and do that, change the keybind once in the UI.
- 6.'There is no logo whenever I inject protosmasher.
- FIX: Make sure the protosmasher files are extracted, run it as an admin or reinstall ROBLOX.
- 7.'I have injected PROTOsmasher but I can't execute scripts'
- FIX: Make sure you have downloaded the newest version of protosmasher