Our Roblox Bubble Gum Simulator Codes has the most up-to-date list of all the working Twitter codes that you can redeem for coins, gems, and pets. You'll also get bonuses to hatching, luck, and shiny boosts from some of the codes. These codes will give you a nice boost and get you ahead of the. Hello, I am trying to make some guns right now, and the problem of how can I make the gunshot effect hit me. I am trying to achieve something like this: As you can see, in the gif, the gunshot is quite big and it slightly lights up the environment around it, and creates random irregularities at the edges of the gunshot each time it’s being shot. Is it possible to create something similar in.
Apr 30th, 2017
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How To Make A Simulator Shop Roblox
- local Settings = { --These are the settings, change them however you like
- GunName = 'MLG'; --This is the name that will be displayed on the Tool
- Description = 'GET NOSCOPED!'; --This will be the text that is displayed above the tool when the mouse is hovering over it
- GunType = { --[[These are the 4 gun types you can have. Set whichever ones you want to true. (NOTE: Semi and Auto can't both be
- Semi = false; --Set this true if you want the gun to be semi-automatic. (Pistols, Snipers, etc)
- Auto = true; --Set this true if you want the gun to be fully automatic. (Assault Rifles, Submachine guns, machine guns, etc)
- Burst = false; --Set this true if you want the gun to be burst fire. (Battle rifles, assault rifles, etc)
- Shot = false; --Set this true if you want the gun to be a shotgun. (NOTE: Shot and auto can both be true)
- BurstAmount = 3; --This is how many bullets will be fired in one burst (if Burst is true)
- BurstTime = 0.2; --This is how long it takes for a burst to complete
- BurstWait = 0.1; --This is how much time you have to wait before you can fire another burst
- ShotAmount = 5; --This is how many bullets will be fired in one shot (if Shot is true)
- FakeArmTransparency = 0.4; --This is the transparency of the fake arms
- FakeArmThickness = 0.7; --This is the thickness of the fake arms in studs
- PlayerAnimations = true; --This is whether or not the player will have custom animations
- AimAnimation = true; --This is whether or not there is an animation for aiming down the sights
- ReloadAnimation = true; --This is whether or not there is an animation for reloading
- StanceAnimation = true; --This is whether or not there is an animation for changing stance
- AimSpeed = 0.15; --This is how long the gun will take to fully aim down the sights
- MaxZoom = 40; --This is the FOV that the Camera will have when the gun is fully aimed down
- HoldMouseOrKeyToADS = true; --This is whether or not you have to hold the right mouse or the ADS key to ADS
- FireRate = 700; --This is how many bullets per minute the gun will fire
- BulletRange = 1000; --This is how far the bullet will travel before it is no longer effective
- InstantHit = false; --[[This is whether or not the bullet will hit a target instantly. If it is false, the bullet will travel at a
- BulletVelocity = 2400; --This is how fast the bullet will travel in studs per second
- Damage = 90; --This is the base damage. That means that this is the least amount of damage that will be inflicted
- Multipliers = { --[[These are the damage multipliers. There's a spread of +0.1. That means that if the multiplier is 1, the actual
- Chest = 1; --This is what the damage will be multiplied by if the bullet hits the chest
- Head = 1.5; --This is what the damage will be multiplied by if the bullet hits the head or a hat
- Limbs = 1; --This is what the damage will be multiplied by if the bullet hits a limb (Arms or legs)
- AllowFriendlyFire = false; --This is whether or not you can damage teammates
- CanDamageNPCs = true; --This is whether or not you can damage NPC's (Zombies, fake players, anything with a humanoid)
- CanKnife = true; --This is whether or not you can knife
- KnifeMeshId = 'http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=121944778'; --This is the Mesh of the knife
- KnifeTextureId = 'http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=121944805'; --This is the Texture of the knife
- KnifeCooldown = 0.5; --This is how long you have to wait before you can knife again
- BulletTrail = true; --This is whether or not there will be a trail behind the bullet
- TrailColor = BrickColor.new('Black'); --This is the color of the bullet trail
- TrailTransparency = 0.6; --This is the transparency of the trail
- TrailVisibleTime = 0.5; --This is how long the trail will be visible for
- TrailDisappearTime = 0.5; --This is how long it will take for the trail to disappear
- BulletHoles = true; --This is whether or not bullet holes will appear where you shot
- BulletHoleTexture = 'http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=64291961'; --This is the texture of the bullet hole
- BulletHoleSize = 0.5; --This is how big the bullet hole will be in studs
- BulletHoleVisibleTime = 3; --This is how long the bullet hole will be visible for
- BulletHoleDisappearTime = 1; --This is how long it will take for the bullet hole to disappear
- Penetration =33;--[[This is how many studs a bullet can penetrate into a wall. So if penetration is 2 and the wall is 3 studs
- thick, the bullet won't come out the other side]]
- Recoil = {
- Aimed = 0.5; --This is the recoil the gun will have when the gun is aimed down
- Hipfire = 1.5; --This is the recoil the gun will have when the gun is fired from the hip
- Spread = { --[[This spread values are how many degrees offset / 20 the bullets from the center the bullets will travel. So a spread
- of 20 would mean that the bullet's max spread in any direction is 1 degree from the center]]
- Aimed = 0; --This is the spread when the gun is aimed down. it isn't affected by the multiplier.
- Hipfire = 20; --This is the base spread when the gun is fired from the hip
- Max = 40; --This is the highest the spread can be when fired
- Multiplier = 1.1; --This is how much the spread will be multiplied by when fired. It only affects the Hipfire spread
- Walking = 30; --This is the spread while walking. It isn't affected by the multiplier
- ReloadTime = 1.5; --This is how long it takes to reload the gun
- AutoReload = true; --This is whether or not the gun will reload automatically when the ammo reaches 0
- SprintTime = 7; --This is the maximum time you can sprint
- StaminaCoolTime = 4; --This is how long it takes for your stamina to fully recharge
- DolphinDive = true; --This is whether or not you can dolphin dive (Run and crouch at the same time to dive)
- DiveRechargeTime = 1; --This is how long you have to wait till you can dive or run again after you've dived
- CanChangeStance = true; --This is whether or not you can change stance. That means whether or not you can crouch or go prone
- StanceChangeSpeed = 0.25; --This is how quickly you change stance
- StandOnDeselect = true; --This is whether or not you stand up when you deselect the tool
- BaseWalkSpeed = 16; --This is the base walkspeed
- SprintSpeed = 30; --This is the walkspeed when you're sprinting
- AimedWalkSpeed = 10; --[[This is the base walkspeed when the gun is aimed down. If you crouch or go prone, the speed will change
- based on the AimedWalkSpeed to BaseWalkSpeed ratio]]
- CrouchWalkSpeed = 7; --This is the walkspeed when you're crouched
- ProneWalkSpeed = 4; --This is the walkspeed when you're prone
- --NOTE: For extra keys, go here: http://wiki.roblox.com/index.php?title=Taking_keyboard_input
- LowerStanceKey = 'c'; --This is the key you press to lower your stance (Stand > Crouch > Prone)
- RaiseStanceKey = 'x'; --This is the key you press to raise your stance (Prone > Crouch > Stand)
- ReloadKey = 'r'; --This is the key you press to reload
- SprintKey = string.char(48); --This is the key you press to sprint
- KnifeKey = 'f'; --This is the key you press to knife
- ADSKey = 'q'; --This is the key you press to ADS. If you want ADS to just be right mouse, then make this key '
- }
- return Settings